Anastas Karchev
Arch. Anastas Karchev was born on 28.04.1984 in Svilengrad, Bulgaria. He graduated Secondary School “Dr. Petar Beron” in Svilengrad, after which he graduated the “Tsar Ivan Asen II” Professional High School of Woodworking and Construction – Haskovo, majoring in “Construction Technician”. He completed his higher education in 2010 at the University of Architecture, Construction and Geodesy (UACG) – Sofia, specialist “Architect”, Master’s degree. He started working in Svilengrad Municipality in 2011 as the Junior Expert “Architecture and Construction” in the “Territory Planning” department. Since 2015 until his election as a mayor of Svilengrad Municipality, he was the Chief Architect of the municipality. A member of a Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria Rotary Club Member since 2015, President of Rotary Club-Svilengrad 2018-2019, Married, father of a 7-year-old daughter.