Zhıvko Veselınov Todorov
Zhivko Veselinov Todorov is born on September 21st 1981 in Stara Zagora. He graduated the Foreign Languages School “Romain Rolland” with English and German languages and obtained a Master degree in “European studies” at Sofia University “Kliment Ohridski”. He worked as an expert in drafting and managing projects funded by the European Union in Stara Zagora Municipality and Regional administration Stara Zagora. He was elected in 2009 as a Deputy from the region of Stara Zagora. He was Vice-chair and Chair of the Commission for external policy and defense at the Bulgarian parliament. Between 2009 and 2011 he was at the head of the Permanent delegation of the National Assembly at the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. On October 30th 2011 Zhivko Todorov won the mayoral elections in Stara Zagora Municipality. He was re-elected twice in 2015 and 2019 and is currently serving his third term.