Filiz Gencan Akın

Born in 1983 in Edirne as the eldest daughter to a family with two children, she completed her primary school education at Kurtuluş Primary School and her secondary and high school education at Edirne Yıldırım Beyazıt Anatolian High School. She actively participated in debate and sports clubs throughout her secondary and high school education.

In 2003, she started studying law. In 2005, She studied German in Berlin for 3 months. After completing her studies in Berlin, she continued her education at Goethe-Institut Türkiye. During her university education, she participated in many training and certificate programs related to her profession and graduated from Marmara University Faculty of Law in 2007 with a good degree. After completing her internship in 2007, she started practicing as a lawyer in Edirne in 2008. Since 2017, she has been working as a mediator as well as a lawyer. Throughout her professional life, she acted as the attorney of many institutions, cooperatives and private companies in the central and districts of Edirne.

In 2011, she ran as a candidate for the Edirne Parliamentary Candidate in the 24th Term General Election of the Grand National Assembly of Türkiye. Att. Filiz Gencan Akın has been actively involved in politics since 2011.

In the 2019 local elections, Att. Filiz Gencan Akın, who was listed as the 1st rank Council Member, was elected as Edirne Municipal Council Member. After being elected as Edirne Municipal Council Member, she served as Edirne Solid Waste Management Union Member, Edirne Municipal Council Deputy Chairman, Edirne Municipality Transportation Commission Chairman for 5 years.

As the CHP Edirne Balkan Desk Responsible, Att. Filiz Gencan Akın, who carried out many activities related to the Balkans, cooperated with numerous Non-Governmental Organizations and carried out meetings and studies with wide participation. In particular on Women’s Rights, she carried out the projects “Şiddeti Frenliyoruz, Sınırları Çiziyoruz”, “İstanbul Sözleşmesi Yaşatır” with women’s organizations in Edirne.

Filiz Gencan Akın, who is also a member of the Atatürkçü Düşünce Derneği (Atatürkist Thought Association), was elected as a member of the disciplinary board in the last elections held by the association.

Att. Filiz Gencan Akın was elected as the Mayor of Edirne with the votes of the people of Edirne in the Local Administrations Elections held on March 31, 2024.

Receiving her mandate on April 4, 2024, At. Filiz Gencan Akın took office as the Mayor of Edirne.

Att. Filiz Gencan Akın is married to Architect İnanç Gönenç Akın.